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Improve your Sustainability by Eating Fruit!

The globalization and mass distribution of fruit worldwide allows us to enjoy a large variety of produce at any time of the year. Eating more seasonal fruit has become an increasingly popular message to improve the sustainability of our diets.

Fruit is an important part of a healthy and sustainable diet. They provide essential vitaminsminerals and dietary fibre, and tend to have a lower environmental impact than animal-based foods.

The overall picture that emerges from research, is that the fruit and vegetables with the lowest GHG emissions are those that are grown outside during their natural season without much use of additional energy and consumed in the same country or region.

Wawona Frozen Foods picks their fruits at peak ripeness to ensure the highest amount of nutritional content. Make sure to choose Wawona for all of your frozen fruit solutions — we are the answer to high quality products and sustainability!

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