Wawona Frozen Foods offers a colorful selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, and convenient meals.


Being Planet Positive is Part of Wawona's Triple Bottom Line

Wawona Frozen Foods is committed to continuous improvement of its responsibilities to the three fundamental tenets of people, planet, and profit – the triple bottom line. The company’s mission is to produce fruit that consistently exceeds the expectations of customers in a cost effective, and socially and environmentally responsible manner.

Wawona operates three processing facilities in California where it’s constantly testing and implementing new, scientifically sound approaches to improve the sustainability of the business.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Wawona Frozen Foods People Planet Profit


  • Serve as catalyst for community improvement
  • Partner with industry associations, academia, and regional and state environmental resources to gain access to new practices that will improve Wawona’s impact on local communities and the land around its facilities
  • Make regular and ongoing financial contributions to organizations in the communities including its Valley Children’s Hospital, Habitat for Humanity and several churches
  • Active in community organizations focused on the growth and prosperity of the region
  • Contribute fruit products to support community fundraising events
  • Actively volunteer in community service events


  • Partner with suppliers and staff
  • Rely on increasing amounts of renewable resources
  • Conserve non-renewables
  • Use co-generation to diminish reliance on non-renewables
  • Protect sensitive environmental areas
  • Improve air, water, soil and wildlife resources
  • Reduce waste and pollution through recycling and energy conservation
  • Track and reduce use of water for irrigation and processing
  • Work with regional and state environmental groups to replenish ground water aquifers


  • Devoted fairness and ethical standards in employment and commercial endeavors
  • Adhere to careful measures and processes to exceed expectations for food safety and quality
  • Compelled to deliver long-term economic success for customers, colleagues, shareholders and suppliers
  • Communicate clearly and with transparency
  • Support staff and colleagues with the respect they deserve,
  • Pay suppliers within terms and resolve disputes fairly
  • Set expectations for our suppliers to share our high standards for ethics, courtesy, reliability, productivity and innovation.

Examples of Wawona’s Sustainable Practices

Wawona is committed to being good stewards of its land, air, and water, while working to deliver its customers with the highest quality frozen fruit products in the world.

Sustainability on the Farm

For the Smittcamp family, which founded and still operate Wawona Frozen Foods, the idea of sustainability is ingrained in everything they do. This is especially true on the family farm, which includes a 220-acre peach orchard.

The Smittcamps, as well as the 65 outside growers they work with, run their farms to ensure the land is viable for not only their use, but for generations to come. As farmers, they understand that healthy soil, efficient water use and management, and
reduced reliance on fossil fuels, fertilizers and pesticides all lead to long term benefits to include:

  • Higher quality fruits
  • Larger and more predictable yields
  • Less soil erosion and pollution
  • More reliable water supply
  • A healthier and safer work environment for farm workers
  • Considerable cost savings and higher profits
Smittcamp family proudly showcases fresh peaches in their thriving orchard for Wawona Frozen Foods.

Wawona Sustainability in Action

Curious young owl peeking out from a rustic wooden birdhouse in a natural setting.

“Hoo” is that in Our Orchard?

Wawona has created a highly successful symbiotic relationship with four families of barn owls in the peach orchards around its Cotati production facility. Barn owls are specialist birds and highly adapted to suit their ecological role as hunters. With guidance from local naturalists, Wawona built and erected four owl houses designed to attract nesting owl pairs.

Wawona’s orchards have proven to be great habitats for the owls – providing roosting, nesting and feeding space as they breed and raise their young. In return, the owls deliver a variety of natural and sustainable benefits for the orchards. The barn owls feed on rodents, gophers and squirrels, which might otherwise eat crops – in and around the orchards or in storage – and keep these populations in balance, eliminating the need for poisons.

Vibrant peach tree with clusters of ripe fruit, showcasing natures beauty and abundance.

Swipe Left for that Pest

Wawona has taken an interesting, but not very romantic approach to eliminating insect pests from its operations – dramatically reducing its need for chemical pesticides. Wawona introduced synthetic pheromone disruptors into the trees that confuse mate localization and courtship, both preventing mating and blocking the insects’ reproductive cycles. By hanging pheromone disruptor tags in trees throughout its orchards, Wawona is preventing the need for chemical insecticide sprays. The only downside … is lonely bugs! We can live with that.

Freshly tilled farm land with irrigation pipes ready for sustainable crop growth.

The Road is the Pits

Literally. Wawona make effective and sustainable use of the millions of peach pits it removes from the fruit each season. The pits are spread on the dirt service roads within the orchards to provide dust control and deliver nutrients back into the soils as they degrade. As a result, there is no need for paving or petroleum-based dust reducing liquids. And the roads smell better as well!

Contact us

Main Office:  555 555-5555
Product Sales: 555 555-5555

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